Providing Transportation for Refugees in Duhok Governorate Universities
Judy Organization for Relief and Development (JORD), is dedicated to supporting and enhancing educational opportunities for students. One of the aspects of this support involves providing transportation for refugees who face difficulties in accessing universities and institutes.
JORD provided dedicated transportation for 169 university students from Domiz and Domiz 1 and Domiz 2 camps to universities and institutes in Duhok Governorate.
By providing transportation for university students, JORD’s aim was to eliminate barriers to education and empower students to reach their full potential. Many students in the region face challenges accessing higher education due to financial constraints or lack of transportation options. By addressing these barriers, the organization strives to create equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their background or circumstances.

JORD's transportation waiting for students at their college
The universities and institutes for which transportation was secured include:
University of Duhok, University of Zakho, Technical Institute and Medical Analyses Institute, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, Nawroz University, Jihan University, and the American University of Kurdistan.