Empowering Women Through Sewing: Creating Job Opportunities in Domiz
Judy Organization for Relief and Development (JORD) aims to empower women by guiding them towards achieving economic independence and sustainable development. By investing in women’s skill development and providing employment opportunities, the organization works to enhance local development and improve the lives of women and their families.
As part of these efforts, Judy organization provided employment opportunities for 10 beneficiaries who completed a women’s sewing course offered by the organization in Domiz sub-district of Duhok. During the training course, the trainees learned the fundamentals of sewing, including fabric cutting and stitching, clothing pattern making, and embroidery techniques.
The contract was signed for a duration of three months, starting from February 1, 2022, and ending on April 30, 2022, in coordination with Zavin sewing factory. Throughout this period, JORD disbursed salaries to the trainees working in the sewing factory. It’s worth noting that most of the trainees continued working in the factory even after the contract period with the organization had concluded, demonstrating their dedication and ongoing contributions to the factory.

JORD Director receiving an honorary gift from Zavin factory management
The employment opportunities provided by the organization aim to enable trainees to utilize their sewing skills and secure a source of income. These employment opportunities include working in local clothing factories.
We believe in the importance of supporting and empowering women by offering practical employment opportunities and look forward to assisting them in building a better future for themselves and their communities. These efforts reflect our commitment to achieving sustainable development and enhancing the role of women in building a stronger and more sustainable society.