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Psychosocial and Educational Support Activities – Judy Community Centers – Duhok

Project Details:
  • Duration: 2021

  • Location: Duhok

  • Donor: DANIDA

  • Partner: DCA

Project Summary:

Supported by Danish Church Aid (DCA), Judy Organization for Relief and Development established community centers across Domiz, Fayda, Domiz 1 and 2, and Gawilan camps. These centers aimed to offer psychosocial support, education, and livelihood courses for refugees, internally displaced Iraqis, and the host community.

The curricula, “Resilience in Children” and “Resilience in Youth,” accompanied educational lessons tailored for different age groups. Alongside, the centers organized numerous external activities, including ceremonies and exhibitions, fostering communication and community relations.

Awareness sessions at these centers covered crucial topics like child and women protection, essential health, and social issues such as unemployment and child labor. This initiative sought to heighten awareness, impart knowledge, and safeguard the rights of children and women while enhancing their health, social, and professional conditions.

Internally, various activities like workshops, competitions, and graduation ceremonies were designed to foster social skills and a supportive environment for interaction and learning among beneficiaries.

Regularly implemented field activities and courses were diversified to meet beneficiaries’ varied needs and aspirations.


Judy Community Center staff and children

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